Cotton Hill Studios

Promotional Newsletter

Client Cotton Hill Studios

Audio Recording Studio


Untraditional, yet highly effective, B2B lead-gen publication

My role
Writer, writer/editor, project manager

The story
For every issue of this case study-based newsletter, I conducted a discovery interview with the Cotton Hill Studios team. That interview lasted about three hours. Then, armed with an editorial plan and a list of phone numbers, I called Cotton Hill’s clients to talk with them about their projects. I then turned these hours and hours of interviews into narrative gold, in a fun tone that reflected the hipster atmosphere of Cotton Hill Studios.

This newsletter series won and Albany Ad Club Nori Award, and was featured in a lengthy newspaper column as an example of how awesome a newsletter can be in the right editorial hands. In addition to being an ego boost for a job well done, that column provided free advertising and a substantial credibility boost for my client. Capital District Business Review columnist Jay Silverman said: “One of the more interesting self-promotional newsletters I receive is A View From the Hill, which is published occasionally throughout the year by Cotton Hill Studios. Some of the writing is done in-house; the rest – and the editing – is handled very professionally by Deborah Gerlach Klaus.”

Another bonus!
Because of the popularity of this newsletter, I was invited to give a talk about newsletters at the AdFacs Communications Expo. “How to Create Newsletters People Will Read” was the only sold-out event at the Expo.

Cotton Hill Spring 1996 page 1.jpg
Cotton Hill Fall 1995 page 2.jpg
Jay Silverman.jpg